Sunday, April 29, 2012

Peer Presssure

                      Peer Pressure

Like all periods of contentment, such must come to on end. Usually, abruptly and without warning.
While recently viewing a video discourse on spirituality, I was challenged to evaluate my willingness to admit faith in God. The following query evoked some deep soul searching, the results of which I am not proud:  “Would you rather be embarrassed in front of your friends because of your belief in God?  Or, embarrassed in God’s presence for sheepishly placing your friends before Him?”   (Paraphrased)
Ouch, that really stung. It stung because I indeed kick God aside under the guise of peer pressure. Sadly, it is so conveniently easy to toss him into a ditch whenever the whim arises.
When in the company of individuals who are not interested in God, I tend to quickly scoot Him under a veil of secrecy. I am not so crass as to verbally voice disbelief in God, but neither do I stand firm. Guilt by omission. No doubt, this is distasteful, though not enough to prevent this practice. Well, that is, until I began reflecting on how shallow this behavior is.
Slowly, albeit at the pace of a tortoise, I am becoming more diligent and steadfast in placing God first. Admittedly, this is tough for me. People pose questions that I cannot even begin to answer, other than responding: “I have no tangible proof, I simply believe”.
In this process of learning how to place God first, an anomaly has begun to toke hold: as more and more time passes by, I care less and less about the perceptions and intentions of others (as applies to my spiritual walk). Don't misunderstand, I am still very much cognizant of their negativity; thus, I do not skip around flouting the peace I have been exposed to. That would be foolish. Yet, conversely I am finding a certain level of comfort in letting naysayers see how my “walk” is evolving.
In passing: thankfully God is patient and does not give me the brush-off.    December 2011

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Judas - Revisited

                   JUDAS - REVISITED

For the past few months I have advanced my contention that Judas, the ever so infamous apostle had begun to repent for his knuckleheaded choice of turning Jesus over to Roman soldiers and temple guards to be arrested. Realizing his errant judgment, Judas unsuccessfully attempted to return the money paid for his deceit. Unable to live with his actions, he hung himself. There is no need to rehash the events that followed, such have been ingrained in our psyche since childhood. Nonetheless, I am of the impression that Jesus had compassion on Judas and forgave him. Note - this is merely speculation on my part. (See JUDAS, September 2011.)
As can be expected, many individuals ridiculed this notion. However, knowing what it is like to hit rock bottom, I tend to recognize opportunities to exercise empathy where others would typically scoff. This adversity notwithstanding, just as many people were, dare I say, intrigued. Then again, they could have thought me to be kooky and in turn, appeased me in an effort to avoid any further conversation on the subject. Not discouraged, I continue to explore the accounts of Judas.
Although Judas was a cog in the calamitous plot that led to the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus, he was only a trivial player. Scores of people were outraged by the teachings of Christ, their beliefs and spiritual traditions were being subject to attack. Thus, Jesus' life was in peril even without the polluted morals of Judas.
From time to time I hear it debated that Judas was predestined to fail. That it was incumbent he betray Jesus in order to fulfill the prophesies of the Old Testament. Perhaps. But, this conjecture has never set well with me. Seemingly, a proponent of this theory would have to be credulous in their belief that God would sacrifice an innocent person for the purpose of satisfying a prophecy. Such a concept is inherently flawed if for no other reason than irate political and religious leaders would have eventually caught Jesus on their own initiative.
Now, if you will, an alternative view as to the necessity of Judas' participation: if Jesus would not have been singled out of the group by this impious apostle, there is a reasonable chance that the Romans and temple guards would have arrested or slaughtered not only Jesus, but the apostles, too. In consequence, Judas' life could very well have been scapegoated for the survival of the others (unbeknownst to him, of course), not the fulfillment of prophecies ... which would have happened anyway.
Why is this relevant? Without the remaining apostles it is possible that Christianity would not be as we know it today ....