Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Shattered Eucharist

We all encounter those "aha" moments of enlightenment which cause us to slow down and reflect. That catalyst which awakens us, if you will. More often than not, it is something we have tAken for granted and not given much consideration. An unforeseen detail. Then, out of nowhere, "wham," we are confronted with a new appreciation.

What follows is a narrative of an unexpected occurance which I found paralyzing. In that singular moment, for a split second, I was right there, watching .... Frozen, I was unable to think of anything else. In some respects, I wanted to scream aloud, but such a response would be impractical since I was not actually there. Shutting my eyes would prove to be of little effect ... the events were replaying in my psyche. Similarly, sound could not be escaped as it continued to echo. I still hear it!

While at Mass recently, I was kneeling while the priest (celebrant) performed his ministerial privileges of consecrating the Host by invoking the power of the Holy Spirit (epiclesis) and narrating the words spoken by Jesus at the last Supper (anamnesis). As alluded to earlier, on this particular day something surreal transpired.

As the priest elevated the Host, I was keenly focused on the delicacy and reverence being employed -- this level of veneration always seems to stir my emotions. Then, when he carried out the physical
Breaking of the Bread, the crispness of the break was so sharp that it stole my breath. Whatever wondering thoughts I may have been unintentionally exploring were completely obliterated. Shattered as though such never existed. Instead, only one thought surfaced. A horrifying thought which left my mouth dry: the reverberating sound of the Host being snapped caused me to interpret, with the entirety of my senses, the spikes crushing the bones of Jesus as such were crudely hammered securely into the cross.

August 2011

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