Saturday, June 10, 2017


   The grass always appears greener on the other side, but seldom are we aware of the consequences of crossing the threshold.
   Like any other aspect of life, there are those encounters which weigh us down and cause us to feel as if we are trodding through life as opposed to skipping about with gleeful abandon. Oftentimes, thankfully, the Holy Spirit extends to us the strength to endure. Okay, our Lord always provides the fortitude to persevere, but let's face it, sometimes we just get tired and stop looking for God's guiding hand and elect to navigate hurdles on our own (well, at least I do).
   Case in point: I have a roommate who often makes choices which baffle me. Nonetheless, I tend to embrace him because our Lord placed us together to grow, support, and encourage one another. Ah, but there are those moments where we think we have achieved enough in life and tend to look down on others.... Yes, I am guilty of this!
   There came a point in our relationship where he made a choice which could indeed bring adverse repercussions on not only himself, but also on me. To be blunt, I was a little more than agitated. This behavior caused me concern and I began weighing the value of our friendship. The next morning an opportunity for me to move had presented itself. Oh, how I desperately wanted to move; there were so many benefits of the grass being greener in the new location. However, there was also this nagging loyalty thorn poking me in the side. After all, how could I abandon my roommate, a friend. Yet, there were all the small environmental sufferings which attached to my current accommodations (none of which were the fault of my roommate). Perhaps our Lord had intended that I carry such - that is how I had coped with these impediments up to this point! Ah, the mind manipulating matters as it is prone to do, perhaps our Lord was giving me a way out?
   The choice was made: I placed a request to be moved. Yet, something unforeseen happened: The case manager discouraged me from following through. I knew that if I would have pushed harder with my request that he would have approved the move. Yet, considering all of my earlier wrestling with this decision, I accepted the roadblock as an intervention from God. Am not sure why, but the Holy Spirit is working to keep things status quo.
   Later that day I received a magazine in the mail from Catholic Answers. On the cover was an artistic depiction of our Lady of Fatima. The same art of our holy Mother which is displayed on my wall.... Was this a sign approving how things worked out and stayed the same?
Marana tha.

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