Monday, May 15, 2017

Before My Eyes

   Up until recently, I had never really grasped the significance of Eucharistic adoration. For those who are not familiar with this form of worship, it is a solemn opportunity for the flock to reverently gather before the consecrated host and worship Jesus in the form of the Eucharist. Meditation. Prayer. Reflection. My only exposure to this tradition has been through television. Well, to be frank, the practice conveyed across the screen appeared more than a little awkward and antiquated.
Attending a Communion Service because a priest was not available to celebrate a full Eucharistic Mass, I was a bit miffed. I happen to enjoy the pomp and structure of the Mass!
   There before me, not but three or four feet away, there was a paten containing the consecrated host on the center of the altar. Candles were lit. The air was filled with tranquility and peace. In a sudden flow of energy it dawned on me that Jesus was right there. I had always realized this, but it never really resonated until that moment. Wow, Jesus was right there...I could reach out and touch him. All I could do is stare and take this revelation in. So many Christians pray and plead to somehow meet Jesus in the flesh. There I was, an arm length away, able to see him. Able to talk with him. Sure, he didn't speak to me in a conventional way, "Yo, hey Karl, how ya doing!" But, there was an energy. And my thoughts were being arranged as though never before (or, so that has ever been recognized before). Yet, there he was, under the appearance of a little bread wafer. A wimpy cracker! But it was Jesus nonetheless, the candlelight gently flickering across the paten.
My thoughts were running at an unmeasurable pace. Yet, such were not frantic. There were images of how he died for us.      My sins. His love. His compassion. His warmth. The reality that he was right there.
   Eucharistic adoration no longer looked antiquated. Oh, how wrong I was. This practice is indeed a very special opportunity to spend time with Jesus.
   Curiously, my only opportunity for Eucharistic adoration is when a priest is not available to perform Mass. Strangely, I now look forward to those times when the priest has responsibilities elsewhere...I then, selfishly, have an opportunity to spend time in the company of our Lord, offering myself to him, trying to be a better Christian, all before he gives himself to me.
   The next time your worship does not seem to unfold the way "you" think it should, open yourself to other riches.
Marana tha....

(Note, these reflections were written several years ago)

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