Saturday, May 12, 2012


     Up until recently, I typically read the Bible as a book. Sure, it undoubtedly possesses stories that strengthen my spiritual journey, but my approach had been that of a book. With a touch of reverence, of course. After all, this “book" contains stories about God and incredible revelations. Unknown to me at the time, a road map to life.
     This impassive method of embracing Scripture notwithstanding, every once in a while I would find myself pondering mysteries contained within the pages. A passage would reveal a layer of something profound, or a verse would open itself to be understood like it never had before. Yet, these instances of enlightenment were far and few between. Just enough of a taste to keep my attention. Not being easily discouraged I felt compelled to continue digging - there had to be a rational reason why so many people find comfort in this "book".
     Then, as if out of nowhere, I was reading a spiritual book by Fr Oscar Lukefahr, Catholic Guide to the Bible, and the following question was posed: “When you read the Bible, do you approach it as if God is speaking to you?” Humph! No, I had never considered such a concept. Never. In retrospect, however, this seems to be a natural progression, being the Word of God, and all! To be
honest, the next few times I read the Bible I forgot to apply this principle. Like pretty much anything else in my life, I eventually came around to applying this theory (that’s the problem with doing things at my pace). Wow, what a difference. Don’t misunderstand, it's not as though every time I dive into a verse something is revealed to me. No. I am not that fortunate. However, when I seem to really need something, whether I know it or not, a passage comes to life. Those moments, as you can surely imagine, are quite profound.  Perhaps, the Word of God really is alive…

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