Saturday, July 8, 2017


   Those who possess the wherewithal to stay focused and maintain their particular trajectories in life with full vigor...well, I admire you. My capacity to remain amped up is like the weather - some days are sunny and inviting, others are stormy and discouraging. So as to avoid burnout, several interests are maintained; emphasis given in a particular pursuit until enthusiasm wanes and then energies are switched to an alternative focus or task. Thus, a certain level of accomplishment can be sustained. However, there are those times when exhaustion begins to take its toll and a sabbatical is called for.
    For those who know me, God and Church and community consume much of my day, week, life. So, when I begin feeling overwhelmed... well, it is essentially from our Lord which I seek a vacation! Don't scrunch your face in abhorrent disgust that I'd be so crass to say something so impious, it's not as though I have run away from Jesus. Our relationship remains in place, but I do reduce my disciplines to the bare minimum as I recuperate. Shame on you for thinking otherwise! Dastardly.
   Typically, much more time is devoted to outside activities and television and snacking when enjoying the relaxed state of a sabbatical. This particular break stretched for nearly two weeks. I was recharged a couple of days earlier, but had opted to take a few extra days...well, just because. Oh, how little we can sneak past God - his sense of humor made me the posterior to his punchlines!
    On one of the days beyond recuperation, I encountered a fella during my walk who I'd never spoken to before. Passing by, I inquired about the state of his day. Oh my gosh, he was filled with more cursing than I've ever heard and a similar amount of complaint. Now, I am not a prude; sometimes words and phrases purge from my lips which are neither glorifying or dignified. Sparingly, mind you, but it does happen. Hey, wait, doesn't Jesus counsel us to approach people where they're at (cf Romans 14:16, 19)! Anyway, just one expletive after another. It was horrible, even by locker room standards. I searched and searched for a way to politely disengage, but he would not take so much as a breath. No joking, he was actually breathing hard. At one point, he thanked me for listening and expressed that he had not spoken to anyone in some time.
   Ah, his grievances were at a close and I could.... Nope. Without missing a beat he cussed along. Finally, I broke etiquette and cut him off, inquiring whether he had anything positive to say.
   Well, he had a couple of pleasant words and then fell back into his previous rant. Finally, I excused myself.
   Picking up my pace so this troubled soul could not attach himself any further (sounds cold, I know...gosh, maybe I am prudish), two other people latched onto me. Thankfully, the nouns, adjectives, and verbs were moderate. Though, the topics of discussion were more in the realm of what had just previously been suffered. Geesh! As I knew these fellas, it was easier to break away.
   Getting off the beaten path, I began doing some calisthenics. Ah, some much wanted peace. Thoughts could form and it was possible to simply bask in the beauty of the morning breeze.
Since I was already barefoot from my exercise (better balance), I opted to walk the rest of the morning with my toes licking the dew from the grass.
   Ugh, my serenity was immediately punctuated when my thoughts had entered the ethers of daydreaming. So much for reveling in barefoot adventures reminiscent of Huck Finn.... The uncouth timing and gall of some people! This person, a friend, simply wanted to talk. Ah, but we were able to talk about God. No cussing. No cursing. The irony? My friend is agnostic.
   As we wandered, I shared the hiccups encountered throughout the morning and how I was feeling my Lord poking me with an unspoken message: "Little child, it is time for you to return to me, you have enjoyed sufficient time to recharge your batteries!" Of course, as we pondered this perceived exchange, I had inferred that there would be a consequence if the Holy Spirit was ignored: If I his call to return was not heeded, there existed a potential that every following day would be consumed with untimely interruptions and the peace sought after would forever vanish!
   Either I have an overactive imagination or my sabbatical was over. Yes, I observed my scolding and returned to the arms of the Lord. Recharged. Full of vigor. On fire. * * *
   "Just as God rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done, human life has a rhythm of work and rest...the Lord's Day helps everyone enjoy adequate rest and leisure to cultivate their familial, cultural, social, and religious lives" (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2184).
   Marana tha

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